Anyways, on to the recipe:
1/2 cup chopped pecans, toasted
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
3 TBS lemon juice, divided
1 TBS olive oil
4 fish fillets
Optional side dish:
1 cup instant brown rice
1 can (14 oz) chicken broth
1 cup small broccoli florets
It's really funny- every time I begin a post on this blog I type out the ingredients and realize how many mistakes I made in preparing the dish. For starters, I had no idea how to toast the pecans, so I just used them as they came in the bag. And then the parsley? Forgot it completely. Not that it adds any taste to a dish, right?
Once I gathered all of the ingredients it was on to the preparation. Just a quick side note, this is what I had to step over while I was cooking. Sweet, darling little boy. Must you take the zip lock bags out of the box one by one?

BAKE 10 to 12 min. or until fish flakes easily with fork. Meanwhile, cook rice as directed on package, substituting broth for the water and adding broccoli to the boiling broth along with the rice. (Yeah, I didn't do this. Cheesy rice from the box was much easier!)
SERVE fish with the rice mixture.

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